after doing the play last night, I spent the next 10 hours talking politics with a total bush backer. he's a nice guy, fairly articulate and seemingly normal in every respect.
his reality is precisely opposite of mine. he listens to bush and thinks he's such a great leader and listens to kerry and all he can think is "LIAR!".
he thinks eXactly the way I do in the bizzaro reasoning is possible. we tried to put thinks in local perspective. one example, if your neighbor sits on his porch with a baseball bat, looking menacing and, one day, you wake up and find a crunch in the hood of your car...he thinks you have no choice but to go right over there and beat the shit outta the guy cause you KNOW if you show weakness by not directly confronting the aggressor, it'll be worse later.
there's the bush international doctrine in a nut shell.
black and white. show no weakness. strength equals violence and the sooner the better.
what was funny is the friend, his roommate, I went over to hang out with came out about 730 this morning and started doing yard work, so she heard all this back and forth and agrees with me 99% of the time. when I finally left at 9, I said, "well, it'll be a pleasure to cancel you out in november" and, without looking up, she said, "he never votes."
I felt a lot better after that.