Thursday, December 29, 2005

Let's look at it like this....

We really have only two more New Year's Eves (after this un) with Gorgy still in the house. I don't count '08 since his ass will be on the way out then.
In reality, we've been putting up with the shit since 1980, with the exception of those 8 Clinton years.
Gorgy was spawned by King Gorgy who suckled the floppy man-teats of the The Great Eradicator.
So yeah, we gotta right to be sick of this shit.
Oh...any of you guys been spied upon lately?


I'm watching a repeat broadcast of the PBS American Experience documentary called REAGAN.

I feel like a young Sioux on the reservation watching a tv show entitled "Manifest Destiny".

the simple facts of the Reagan Revolution make me livid.

The Great bout The Great Liar?

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

george w. sage

"If we wait till the bird flew gets here as a pandemic it'll be too late to prepare."

so, I guess if you get hit by a truck it's too late to look both ways.

if you stop paying your bills your credit score may suffer?

if you stop eating altogether you'll die?

I think I'm getting the hang of this.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

merry xmas, guys

3 more bushmases. I know I know.

that's 3 too many.

Monday, December 19, 2005

according to the dems...

this is Not strictly according to the rules. the rider writer has to prove it's connected in Some way to the original bill...which alaskan rep. teddy boy stevens is trying to do by saying the drilling will help us be less dependent on the middle east. and, of course, the military uses at least a few barrels of crude on a daily basis.

matter of fact, I have to think the awesome use of oil by our military forces has no small impact on domestic gas prices. the wasteful spending in military circles is so profound. all the people I've known in the military tell stories of the barbaric use of ammo and resoures.

one sticks out: an old navy friend who said at certain times on every mission, due to weather or coming into home port, all hands were expected to decrease the ammo to reduce the possibility of explosive accidents. so, for days before such an event, everyone goes on deck and fires weapons at whatever trash they wanna throw overboard...or at birds...even dolphins. side arms, 50 cal machine guns, deck guns.

sounds pretty loud. annoying. and incredibly expensive.

meanwhile, dick's on nightline tonight...lying through what teeth he has left.

my tummy is churning churning churning.

Riders in the sky

These damn bill riders that they attach on to everything are appaling.
I want to know how these things get snuck by us....and why doesn't anybody call our attention to it?
Sounds to me like somebody's asleep at the wheel.
Fact is, there's no quicker, easier way to rape the land and the people than sticking your crap of choice onto a more widely acceptable bill.
And with people like Bushndick (I'da done it innyway) in charge, we all oughta look alot more closely at the legislation bein' pushed through.

oh, and damn them all to hell...

the truly evil empire inside congress who snuck drilling in Alaska onto the military spending bill. dammit, that's like putting logos on the moon. fuck the exploiters, fuck the fat cat fat asses in our faces.

george george george

that's okay. we all make mistakes. look at all our elected peeps who went along with the iraq bullshit because they really thought we the peeps wanted em to. not because they really believed iraq was a threat, but just because it was the expedient thing to do.

notice I didnt say "prudent".

georgie contiues to mount up stupid points every time he says, "no matter what, I would have invaded iraq to get that big bad saddam." so, even if there were no WMDs and no nukular program and no connection with alqaeda and whatever lies he yanked off the short list...even if there was No legitimate reason or threat he could muster...he would have still invaded cause the world is better off without boogieman hussein.

is That what were sayin here, georgio? cause if that's the kinda house we're cleanin, we're pretty far behind in our work and it's one palace of a place we're dealin with. we're gonna need all the illegals and bucket mops we can get our hands on.

man, the arms dealers must be doing their celebration dances 24/7 in our brave new world.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


I'm sorry...
I feel so much better now...not to mention relieved.
How could I have been so so SO stupid to think that our gubmint had anything but our own safety in mind.
This serves as a lesson to me....I know not what is best for me; Washingtown does. We can all sleep in peace...Uncle Georgie has our backs....and our wallets, phone numbers, addresses, schedules, eggnog recipes...
But oh nevermind all that....
God I feel so ashamed.

oh no oh no oh no

did you not hear white house spokesmonkey scott mcclellan? protecting american civil rights has always been one of the bush administration's top priorities. not living up to the spirit and letter of the law is inconceivable. I heard him say it on tv.

I trust that settles That.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Check your phones!

They may be Bushtapped....
Tapped in the name of the name of nashnul security....
Like a wolf wrapped in sheeps' skins...
Beware, America....your constitutional rights are bein bulldozed again by BushnDick.
Anybody gonna watch the liathon Sunday night?

another positive development

man, things certainly seem to be going our way.

kudos to the repuglican senators and reps who are lining up with democrats to tear down some of the totally unamerican patriot act, especially in the light of the Times report on Bush government spying on american citizens in the wake of 911.

and a big texas fuck off to arlen spectre who continues to spout fear mongering rhetoric about maintaining the governments rights to do Whatever in the name of protecting us.

Roll Back the Nazi Crap!
Roll Back the Nazi Crap!
Roll Back the Nazi Crap!

on all things considered this afternoon, andre codrescu said a poet friend of his used to say american elections were nothing more than plays put on by rich texans. a fact andre has had to agree with more and more as years go by.

hopefully, we can start moving the other direction as more and more people acknowledge what a bad show it's turned out to be.



she was on the CBS Early Show this morning saying how happy they are they were able to work with Senator McCain to let the world know America would never condone the use of torture.

how can they STILL think we're so dumb and blind to not know how hard they've fought against the Senator the last 2 months. it's sooo increeeedibly unbuhlieeeeeeveable!!!

every time I think they cant keep blowing my mind, something like this happens.

now what's he doing

I dont know what kind of redefining is going on here, but does anyone else believe bush is simply rolling over on the mccain no torture legislation? there's some legaleez going on here. rove or someone on cheney's staff has found some kind of loophole.

either that or someone actually sat bush down and explained to him in 3rd grade terms what was really going on. he probably thought we were just poking and tickling detainees in a game of hide and seek or keep away.

"you mean we aint playin by the goldman rule? every good boy always plays by the goldman rule. you know, do unto yourself like you' yourself like you do wah diddy."

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

blame it on the holidays

obviously the enemy isnt paying attention to us or they'd find the following highly suspicious.

could times be looking up? seems like all my friends who were on the verge of ruin just a few years ago have recovered from the economic battering we were all suffering from.

so bush's economy is the reason. fat chance. deregulation still scares me to death. the neocons and conservative republicans still think theyre right and that's not going away anytime soon.

what I'm saying is I think we liberals have been fighting back, showing our strength by finding ways to survive despite the incredible assault we continue to suffer. but we can feel good about ourselves personally and our senators and reps are finally questioning what's going on...challenging the oil companies...standing up against the machine that would destroy the environment and all we value.

. . .

the bush gaff of the day just appeared on the overnight news summary. in today's rare press conference, someone asked him how many iraqi citizens have died. he squeenched for a moment and said "around 30,000."

later, an administrative spokesman clarified by saying that's not an official figure but simply a figure the president heard on the news. so, youre saying the president is not "officially" briefed on such figures. what does that say about his handle on the situation and his compassion for the people we're killing?

reminds me of the older bush having No idea how much a loaf of bread was during his own grilling over how outta touch the bush crime family was.

. . .

then there's the christian uprising to put christ back in merry christmas. I dont care about political correctness, I dont care about saying "happy holidays" out of respect for religious diversity. obviously, the whole idea is to NOT force your lifestyle and beliefs on others.

were we better off 40-50 years ago when we were surrounded by old fashioned rhetoric and environment, basically what christians want to get back to? which begs the question, were "we" better off when we ignored diversity in a largely dont ask dont tell culture seen entirely through western euro red and green glasses this time of year?

which leads us to how much of the religious resurgency is about eliminating the multi-culturalism brewing these last 20-30 years? it tastes a bit too much like an anti-civil rights supremacist backlash. I guess anything I might hear coming out of limbaugh's mouth is impossible for me to accept and I'm sure he's a big reason for the season fan.

what political correctness comes down to for me is I just dont care what people do and hope they feel the same way about me. is that too much to ask?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

dont get me started

on kera. I wake up everyday with a clear conscious, knowing I'm no longer associated with a company in the quicksand of republican blindness. with what used to be a quality listener serving hold out against the down hill shit laden marketplace. who is daily becoming the shit themselves. and it's all in their hands. it's their choice. and all they can see, all the decision makers understand is their puny jobs and the dirty silver theyre taking to betray those they claim to "serve".

thank god my classes arent brought to you by Walmart or the new I'm Lovin It Chicken Toes. I cant be reached by the shit flow no mo and that's the way it should be...the way it Has to be.

so, I'm off to a xmas party where I'll raise a glass to the ever shorter time between now and the end of bush crime least the public part of it and this horrendous american experience inflicted on us and the world at large.

we may not die at W's hands but the blood still drips...from his, from all of ours.

I saw that one.......

...and couldn't believe it either.
Mainsteam news is getting more like tabloid journalism on a daily basis.
Check it out sometime...
On the 10p news on Channel 8, the anchors (of which Campos is one) stand rather than sit in that "Current Affair" mode, adding to the drama in a city that already has way too much pomp and posturing.
Missin Glenn Mitchell more and more every day.
However, that said, KERA can't seem to bail itself out of the sinking ship of mediocrity. I'm not sure what or if the station managers and program directors are thinking.
I'm sure our own artie could add a few pointed points here.
As for the Cheney "Come as your favorite corporate robberbaron intent on giving the populace a big one up the ass" Xmas hoe-down, let us all rememeber that this is the next to the next to the last holiday season that band of un-merry men will be in the White's House.

beyond ridiculous

I can Not buh-Lieve this one.

I turn on the news this morning to see wuzzup and there's Gloria Compos, about to give us her "TEXAN OF THE YEAR", a most exclusive lot headlined by earlier appointees, G.W. and the truly remarkable Karl Rove.

so, who is it this year? we Have to know who this outstanding citizen is.

as I stood there with my jaw dropped, this quote unquote Journalist stands in front of the camera and actually nominates the freakin egyptian twins. you know, the kids who were here in 2002 getting the tops of their heads separated from one another? they went back to egypt 2 years ago and here's gloria pickin their little punkin heads to be the 2005 Texan of the Year.

what the Fuck could this woman possibly be thinking????

"now I've gotta choose Texan of the Year. let's see, how bout 2 toddlers, non-texans who live 8,000 miles away, who never even knew where they were when they were here, who never did anything that affected the people of texas outside their human interest novelty act 3 years ago? oh, I know, the freakin egyptian twins. of course."

huh??? oh, but she laid it all out on tv. "they may not be with us any more, but they'll always be in our hearts cause their hearts are as big as texas."

that's the point at which she earned my one finger salute for most ridiculous notable nominator of the year.

P L E A S E ! ! !

Friday, December 09, 2005

giddy dogs

tonight, tony snow was talking to giant running back tiki barber and they were both so excited about getting invited to cheney's xmas party.

reminds me of the time I played at the dallas country club and found myself within armslength of ross perot, thinking about the public service I'd be performing if I just reached out and broke his scrawny neck.

I dont know why it reminded me of just did.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

friends of george

the usual seasonal commercials are especially poignant this year.

someone sitting there trying to figure out what to give sweetie or hubby for xmas and the answer pops up...a new lexus. of course! why didnt I think of that in the first place???

so, I'm thinking who has the money to give a lexus? who can afford to cough up 40-60 Gs like it was a dozen roses or something.

perhaps someone with a few too many dollars lying around? like maybe one of those guys whose getting a very tasty tax break on their quarter million dollar salary? it's gotta be enough people that lexus gets their commericial money's worth, right?

so, now, who might That be, mmmm? could it be the same folks who are getting cards from pennsylvania ave this time of year?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

speechifyin parties

you best buhlieve narry a night goes by that georgie does give the late night staff a treat by practicin his one speech to em just for fun. they be some gut bustin ice creamin sessions those. georgie gettin all tangled up and the staff fallin all over each other, spittin up hair balls and squirtin each other with whipped cream and other delights. it's yuck monkeys on parade in the wee hours of the ollie north memorial basement theatre for sick and demented souls. you betcha.

Tis the season for givin...

Givin more military cargo transport pilots more bodies to fly back to the US...
Givin more Humvee makers job security...
Givin more craters to Iraq...
Givin more profit to Big Oil, whose collective mouths are wrapped around the collective phalli of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches and vice-versa in a course in American politics cataloged as Government 6969.
Ah yea, I'm in the spirit.
So, I wonder what hand-picked group georgie will choose this week to give a speech in front of?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

so, wuzzup...?

I forgot to say I'm thankful Iraq
is nothing like Nam. Just thought
I'd pass that along. Christmas in
Baghdad. Wonder what That's like.

hey, I'm thankful I dont know and
never will. Life is good.

happy holidays.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by kcorbet.
more of the same, please.

click on chart for larger image

Friday, November 25, 2005

more thanksgving injun questions

why they cook bird?

why they throw out feather?

why they mash potatoes?
they not know french fries?

(we fry french last week.
he heap plenty delicious)

slaw? as in slawter?

dirt? they want buy dirt?
no eat dirt. no wear dirt.
no trade dirt. got plenty dirt.
how much you pay for dirt?

you take dirt. we take slaw.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

So I wonder...

What do you suppose the Native Americans were thinkin about this time, 1:20am, the day after the first Thanksgiving?
"How come they took all the second helpins for themselves?"
"You think they pray like that before every meal?"
"They sure were quiet during dinner, weren't they?"
"Somethin tells me we're screwed"
The more things change....the more they stay the same.
Phreedumb, indeed.

7 fun facts about living in america

1. Living in America, where speech is so free, it's
broken loose from the truth altogether.

2. Living in America, where our leaders have so
much integrity, they've redefined the word.

3. Living in America, where our thoughts are so
profound, the President has to cut them into
bite sized bits and spit them out very slowly.

4. Living in America, the richest per capita
country in the world. We're not poor...
that's just our attitude.

5. Living in America, where the liberal media
is so humble, they always defer to their
corporate elders.

6. Living in America, where Anyone can become
President...or havent you noticed?

7. Living in America, rich in
Manifest Destiny, for example.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


well, one thing we can be thankful for is we're over
halfway through the hellish horror of george.
as unending as this sad time is for
all of us, there's less of it
ahead than we've
had to endure.

thanks for That.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

bush in china

maybe mao be bustin outta his case when the dubmeister be walkin by and give him a few lessons on respectin the yellow man cause they never be short on keepin the faith, bein uppity in the face of thems what thinks they can just come right on in with their shoes on.

big test for chinese capitalists. have they really gone so far down our road that they will worship at the feet of the sleeping yankee doodle noodle or will they show a little red no. 5 pride when dubby starts in to givin them the what would gee zus do speech a roni?

will they have the 9 billion raw footage spunk to bind the president's feet and make him turn his head to the wall to see how it feels when he actually speak and spells his lame rhetoric to someone our own size for a change?

which I admit will take courage on both sides regardless. but I mean come on, we're talking about big biz here and everyone speaks that language. the greatest consuming countries in the history of the world meeting the greatest money makers ever and they both are both and same.

no one's seen this kind of action since "King Kong v Godzilla", the monkey and the dragon...bush in china.

Its embarrasin

I am vomit level sick of seein georgie porgie standin before a handpicked audience of sheeple in his bomber jacket talking about "staying the course".

What course? Thats the question. Just what fuckin' course does he have in mind??
The course that has us movin toward 3,000 KIA I suppose...five more today, folks.

Then, back here, while Georgie is in the Korean "peninchewla", his legislative goons proceed to bully forth his policy in the house, calling Rep Murtha...a 30 yr Marine Corp Vet who achieved the rank of Colonel and was awarded two purple hearts in Nam a coward??
Is it just me, or has this past week brought a wind of change; a possible 60s like galvanization and arising of all of us who are less than thrilled with our current management?

I'm seeing folks of good will....Dems, 'Pubs and Indies...starting to say enough is enough. Be it Reid or Hagel; Pelosi or McCain, those who think are startin to think what we've thought all along, that bushie and his brethren are immorally and likely illegally outta touch with reality.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

and another thing...

how do these boobs think they can accomplish their see through goal of fooling some of the people all of the time by sticking to eXact talking points...where everyone in the white house and all the key rebooblican whiskey brains use eXactly the same words in every interview on any given topic???

dont they know that if they ALL use the same lines like "democrats are 'rewriting history'" and "they do a 'disservice to our troops'", the impression is not good, real or true. expecially if the president and vice president are echoing each other in the same afternoon and senators are dittoing them on sunday news shows???

one thought, one brain...and it's not even Theirs?

yet another nazi oversight.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

darth dick

I could definitely see cheney coming into a cabinet meeting some morning and supernaturally choking the crap out of anyone who doesnt see eye to eye with the dark force of corporate bread buttering. I just assume he does it all the time. like his sith buddy delay used to.

tommy can you hear me? if I dont see ya again in this world, see ya in the next, dont be late.

I dont know that I hold out much hope for princess hilary. nevertheless, there's hope in the air. now if we can simply pull some of it down into the trenches where it can do the most good.

any bets on who the democratic heir apparent may be? we'll probably know them when we see them.

who's on the short list of Please, God, Nooo??? I'll start that list with gore and kerry.

america hates a loser. I seriously dont know how nixon did it in 68. like 2008, I'm guessing, people will simply want a change. then they took the big lie bait in 72, just like they did in 2004.

but gore? kerry? even my buddy, howard dean...I think most folks would actually want clinton back first.

stupidity defined

it's clear bushy two shoes still doesnt know the difference between rhetoric and rhett butler. when it's clear the reason 40 something percent of us want to leave iraq Merely cause we shouldnt have been there in the first place, the dog man of alcatraz continues to characterize that position as a "loss of nerve".

like the majority suddenly has cold feet and is too scared to "stay the course".

yo no no, nasty bush boy. quit throwing words like nerve and freedom and democracy around as you travel the planet when most of us know what youre actually referring to is dissention, oppression and imperialism.

check out the following site to see how we are indeed not just on a course toward fascism...we're pretty much already there...obvious, I realize so, hey, enjoy the movie...

The SoupReam Court

Don't you find it interesting that the Repubs only don't like legislation from the bench if its liberal legislation. Looks like Alito is gonna come on board with an agenda firmly in place.

I guess my favorite line from the day, paraphrased of course, was from Sen. Dr. Hon. Ahole. Bill Frist who, when rejecting a timetable for leaving Iraq, stated that such a plan would be an open invitation for insurgent attacks.

Guess what?

The insurgents have already attacked.

Whats really pissing me off hardcore these days is how bushead has played fast and loose with over 2,000 lives. People are pawns in the political mortarshell game.

As far as I'm concerned, his approval ratings can't sink low enough.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Good indeed

Good to be back indeed...I was wonderin where our stage of discontent went.
Or, we can reverse it....
Doesn't Darth Vader look downright natural being shrub's VP?

back in the saddle again

Well, it's good to be back. I had no idea that this blog site had suffered tech problems.

Is it just me, or would our very own sweet vp Dickie Cheney look downright natural wearing a Darth Vadar uniform?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

answering my own question

I forgot. even if the media does an excellent job of reporting all the slam bang controversy, only so many of us are watching the news. if we didnt know anything but our facts, no perspective...we'd be just as clueless as, say, 35% of the population...those who still approve of the truly incredible job the president is doing for america.

those who equate agression with pride with strength with confidence with "doing the right thing". those who agree, even at this late date, that there is no debate when it comes to America being the "greatest nation on earth". those who believe the best foreign policy comes down to "an eye for and eye", "all's fair in love and war", "W The President".

"America, Love it or Shove it"

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day 05

I know the numbers are down down, but I dont understand why theyre not even worse when bush refuses to talk publicly to Anyone not in uniform. how can our pussy president, being the wimp ass pussy that he is, not simply break down in mid speech and start sobbing about his overwhelming fear of talking "publicly" at all???

how can he not just go home some night and blow his brain out cause he cannot bring himself to talk to americans who dont owe him a salute up front???

I think I might have to elvis myself into the next dimension. I cant wait till future studies, maybe frontline in 2010, digs in there and finds out the depth of heir dubyah's personal issues. the drugs he's hooked on, the paranoia, the neuroses, all the veils of weakness that are at once obvious and which, take drinking for example, from his perspective, must be like seeing through a glass darkly.

the whole thing must be even more of a twilight zone to him than it is for us. he CAN'T possibly know what he's one would Consciously do Any of this crap.

p.s. go media go...keep telling the truth. do your job. let people know what's happened to them. show them how theyve been screwed. show them what WE already know.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

that old feeling

the old cancer kicks up again...the knowledge that, regardless of public opinion, he'll never get what he deserves. what a great role model for playing dumb in life while feeding the profits of your buddies and donors behind everyone's back.

how bout those oil kings before congress trying to defend their 3rd quarter record profits while raising prices dramatically every week? my question is can senators and congressmen really afford to challenge oil execs?

doesnt that qualify as anti-american in bushlandia? can the polls be so devastating that elected officials can ignore what corporate america has come to subservience and obedience?

or could human values and morality take an upturn even as the evil W takes a downslide?

damn this optimistic streak o mine.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Life in the American Bush

I just read a story that reviewed a recent GWB speech in which he addressed the uproar about torture and US policy.

While on one hand he says that "We do not condone torture" (and I paraphrase), he is on record in opposing the senate bill currently under consideration that bans torture by U.S. agents. Hmmmm

Tell me Shrub, what is it. Where do you stand.

There is no other way of assessing this moron; he is a lying sack of shit.

Personally, I would love to see Cheney get his comeuppance by having his sorry ass thrown in prison. He can be someone's love toy for awhile. Maybe his karmic imbalance can be amended that way?

Sunday, November 06, 2005

case in point...This Old Guitar

imagine this sung as a total drone,
a simplistic melody repeated ad nauseum
by a man looking into the freezer for
nothing in particular. you can
almost see neil saying, "shit,
that's probly good enough"
every line or two...
This old guitar ain't mine to keep
Just taking care of it now
It's been around for years and years
Just waiting in its old case
It's been up and down the country roads
It's brought a tear and a smile
It's seen its share of dreams and hopes
And never went out of style

This old guitar
This old guitar
This old guitar

This old guitar has caught some breaks
But it never searched for gold
It can't be blamed for my mistakes
It only does what it's told
It's been a messenger in times of trouble
In times of hope and fear
When I get drunk and seeing double
It jumps behind the wheel and steers

This old guitar
This old guitar
This old guitar
This old guitar
This old guitar
This old guitar
This old guitar
you can smell him find:

It cant be blamed for my mistakes
It only does what it's told.

which is cool...but then he has to
back up to set the line up with:

This old guitar has caught some breaks
But it never searched for gold.

huh? please tell me he's not simply
referencing "Heart of Gold" ala one
of Lennon's biographical quips...
cause that's a whip of a quip
and shitty wit if true.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

neil young on conan all week

I know he has a cult following
I know he can play with anyone he wants
I know his royalities could retire the columbian debt
I know he has 3 mansions on hills overlooking 3 different seas
I know he's worked long and hard to get where he is
I know he never has to work another day
I know he's been everywhere
and done everything
but I swear...

I dont know why.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

yo yo bush yo yo

and so our fearless leader continues to twist in the wind.

when his lady lawyer friend flagged out and his
right hand mob called for their dog in her stead,
the big W was happy to comply and put in a nomination
he was sure was bound to fly across the nation.

"we'll put the court back 60 years!" is what he said.

"not if we have Our way," the democrats replied.

Friday, October 28, 2005

damn it

no roasted rove.

damn it.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

keep the home fires burning

it's so great to see all the crashing and burning. all the masks coming off. even the weird americans on the far right having problems with really weird americans in the white house.

by the way, when youre submitting blogs, do all you guys also have blank fields for "title", "link" and the big text box? if so, you can put a URL into that link field and it will automatically link to whatever URL youre recommending in your comments.

thanks for blogging, greggo. good luck with your benefit thing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

when I think I have seen it all.....

I keep thinking that I can't be shocked by the shit that comes out of this administration, then along comes reports like this.

Oh yes, we have a gentler kinder president....christian too rumor has it. RIGHT

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

how much would you pay?

for front row seats to see the upcoming instant classic...


the epic tale of a black hearted Montanaoan in his mindless mission to undermine credibility...his own and that of the american people. just when he thought no one could see the sins of his sordid past, the betrayal of american intelligence, the for us - against us mindset that pitted his black hattedness against america itself...

down comes the curtain ashcroft draped over Liberty and down comes her swift sword through the legion of undead known as the bush administration. lucky are those who jumped ship in disgust during the first four years cause now it's time to pay the piper.

now it's time to drive the rest of the rats from the sacred ship of state into deep boiling seas of come uppins and against the shore of all such washed up enemies of the republic. and up goes a fresh betsy ross and the freedom and justice for which it Truly stands.

Friday, October 21, 2005

frontline rocks

how can rumsfeld not swing for what he's done? no wonder he's kept such a low profile the last few years. why hasnt bush been proudly saying, "Now ya'll need ta give my little Rummy boy some love. His philosophy toward torture is the same as mine and will be the same 20 years from now"?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

let me see your papers...and I dont mean Please!

I cant believe the "pledge allegiance to george" thing. I mean I Can but I mean I cant believe how neroesque this guy is. he IS nero. he isolates himself from Everyone who doesnt adore him. he condemns and exacts revenge on all who arent with him.

and he does so to such an extreme it colors everthing...every echo and artifact of this strange, groteque regime. I can only pray the vast majority of the population will see him for what he is by the time he leaves office. and that he will never achieve the diplomatic status of carter or clinton or even his hideously deceptive old man...heinous old spymaster.

I'm under no delusion that bush II's karma will catch up with him so fast or that even, as a society, there will be a public outcry to repeal the republican revolution for the bitter abhorrent might makes right abomination its been from the beginning.

I know better than to assume that the worse it gets, the sooner better days will return. didnt happen with nixon, didnt happen with reagan, why would bush be any different. it will take another massive union movement to bring us back to domestic sanity and I dont see that happening for another 2-3 decades.

we'll probably see the rich-poor gap widen more and more for many, many years...more and more poor dropping out...I dont know...the whole hellish human sacrifice procession is progressing at an alarming rate. anyone else have their crystal ball handy and wanna weigh in on our sorry fate?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

corporate support

anyone else see the article in the morning news that displayed the decline in retirement health care in corporate america. when bush 41 took office in 88, 60% of american corporations provided employee health benefits in retirement. during his 4 years, that dropped to 32%, almost half.

clinton didnt do much to turn that around as if congress was in the mood to get back in the biz of regulation after 12 years of the free marketeers bogusly propogandizing that there was even such thing as a "free" market. but at least the situation started to reverse itself till bush 43 resumed the screwing of employees. now it's back down to just above 30% and any reasonable analysis shows a zero sum at some point.

which brings us to the weird part. when the the article talked about what employees need to do, there was absolutely no mention of trying to get lawmakers to help, to think in terms of organizing against getting screwed, no union contact info. there was nothing about whether there was even screwing going on. it was simply accepted that benefits that were there before arent there now and it wont be long before they'll be nothing but a memory.

so, they ended with how much the average retiree will have to save to get by...assuming nothing catastrophic. hey, maybe I'm wrong about this. who ever heard of anyone getting sick after they retire? I mean, as long as you take your vitamins and eat fish once a week, you should be fine, right?

what's next? child labor? how much more Victorian, pre-union work place policies are we going to go back to ? ? ? totally insane.

Monday, October 17, 2005

gettin' ready...

lately i've seen soldiers walking around austin...

on the street, at the mall, sometimes in pairs, sometimes alone...

a good friend of mine who trained and once considered a career with the forestry service just told me that all mid-level managers and up must now swear an 'oath' to the president. the president mind you...

national parks are a good place to hide.

people are looking at these things and saying 'what the fuck is going on here?'

i'll tell you what's going on.

why do you think bush wants his personal attorney on the supreme court?

get prepared to present your papers before curfew...

rhymes with 'bird flu'...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

38% and falling

I heartily approve.

have you googled "failure" yet?

seems like that was there a few
years ago and here it is again.

maybe jesus is firing back.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by kcorbet.
hello? katrina who? rita??? I cant, uh, uh...youre in a bad cell. call back later.

who the fuck knows?

sometimes I wonder how ominous the Whatcha Don't Know factor is with these guys...the leads And supporting cast. we can see how some of the shit will haunt us for years to come, here and around the world, politically, socially, any yardstick you care to pull outta the basket.

again, I didnt hear Roberts say anything that made me think Thumbs Down and Miers seems relatively harmless. Now.

what it comes down to is, given the track record, how can we possibly trust W's judgement on ANYTHING???

I mean, we have a saying here in Texas. "Fool me once, uh, uh..."

speaking of which, how bout a few more bushisms:

"We discussed the way forward in Iraq, discussed the importance of a democracy in the greater Middle East in order to leave behind a peaceful tomorrow."

"It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way."

"But Iraq has - have got people there that are willing to kill and they're hard-nosed killers and we will work with the Iraqis to secure their future."

(while surveying Katrina damage from air force one) "It's totally wiped out... devastating. It's got to be doubly devastating on the ground."

"My thoughts are we're going to get somebody who knows what they're talking about when it comes to rebuilding cities."

good idea, george. and a refreshing change in judgement.

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Miers Connundrum

Well, the Harriet Miers situation has got me in a bit of a quandry.
Sure, she's got a whole shitload of credentials that I' m not too crazy about...not the least of which is the house legal whore to our own Guvner turned national fuckup.
But...the mere fact she's got people like Brownback in a dither leads me to wonder if this might not be the lesser of many many evils.
On a more personal note, I have met her twice. She used to frequent LaMadeleine by SMU in the early 90s and was looked upon quite fondly by many of the alterna-activists who held court there. Hell, if they like her....
Whats really going to be interesting is how the Rove mess plays out. Just what did he promise those senators?
A trip to the Harriet Dairyette for a sack of fresh votes, I reckon.

come back, shane

The President, Condeleeza Rice and Dick Cheney are flying on Air Force One. George looks at Condi, chuckles and says, "You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out the window right now and make somebody very happy." 

Condeleeza shrugs her shoulders and says, "Well, I could throw ten $100 bills out the window and make 10 people very happy." 

Cheney says, "Of course then, I could throw one-hundred $10 bills out the window and make a hundred people very happy." 

Overhearing the conversation from the cockpit, the pilot glances at the ground 32,000 feet below and says to his co-pilot,  "Hell, I could throw all three of them bozos out the window and make 57.3 million people friggin ecstatic." 

Thursday, October 06, 2005

who do you believe?

(click on the title to see the entire ny times article)

bush: "But let's be clear," Mr. Bush continued. "It is cowardice that seeks to kill children and the elderly with car bombs, and cuts the throat of a bound captive, and targets worshipers leaving a mosque. It is courage that liberated more than 50 million people. It is courage that keeps an untiring vigil against the enemies of a rising democracy, and it is courage in the cause of freedom that once again will destroy the enemies of freedom. "

(how much courage does it take for the most advanced military on earth to attack weak little iraq? just another in our shameful history. grenada, panama, afghanistan, iraq. george...if you wanna prove your so-called courage, invade china or germany...oh, wait, we already did that...and we're still fucking there...sheesh.)

pelosi (d-calif): "The president's statement that Iraq is the central front on the war on terror is a mistake," she said. The Bush administration "has totally mismanaged the war in Iraq" and "now he's trying to justify his actions with a series of excuses that are not reasons for us to be there."

what is it about the undeveloped personalities of certain conservative politicians who still look at life through the filter of a B-Western? the bad guys are always yeller and aint nobody gonna cross my line in the sand.

please. does anyone believe bush or any of his buddies would strap on a bomb with the intention of blowing himself up for his beliefs? I dont know...I dont see bush smithereening himself for jesus or for any of his freedom and democracy diatribe. unless maybe he could do it with a bag of exploding pretzels.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

how deep the hole?

as bush continues to kill off potential republican voters wherever he international wars against nobody in particular and through domestic ineptness, he seems to think he can make everything okay by making more and more mistakes.

"uh, well, if 2 wrongs dont make a right, how many does it take exactly?"

or "hey, seems like if I dig deep enough I'll find a way outta this dang hole."

so, his approval rating keeps going down and what is he trying to get congress to do? "let's pay for my little war on nobody and the shit left by whatever that big rain was or whatever by cutting food help for the poor, slashing environmental conservation (you mean, like those wetlands around N.O. that might have saved the day during katrina?) and, hey, lets really piss off the farmers by cutting their programs while theyre grappling with the one thing that makes a farm go...fuel for their machines."

meanwhile, we're pouring hundreds of millions into airfields in iraq and afghanistan. now isnt That special? saudi arabia tossed us out so we cant build bases there. very likely iraq will send us packing once they get off the ropes. of course the sunnis keep saying they're not playing along as long as we're there. prognosis: we build a state of the art air base that we'll have to abandon in the next few years anyway. what the fuck...another $150 million for what may become a camel lot.

sorry. I'm not implying theyre still driving camels over there, but I couldnt pass up the pun.

what's clear is the bush priorities are marching forward like a light house in the middle of the desert.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


not the issue, george. we wanna know what she IS, not that she'll be the same in 20 years.

same as WHAT, dog?!

Monday, October 03, 2005

it's a girl!

but she has zero bench time, george.

yeah, but she's been such a pal.

what the hell, george. we're talking about the SUPREME COURT here. this crap reminds me so much of a seinfeld scene where george is talking with jerry about possible career directions.

I like history. maybe I could teach history in college.

well, you usually have to have a degree in something before you can teach it.

maybe I could be a newscaster.

they usually give those jobs to broadcast journalists.

yeah. hey, I could be the color guy in the football booth.

well, again, they usually give those jobs to broadcasters and former football players.

that really isnt fair, is it?

I guess no one ever told dubyah about the connection between experience and expertise. what am I sayin? obviously, he never had to worry about such details to get where he's been.

personally, I cant imagine booking one of my teaching buddies to play a jazz gig if they dont know how. fuck. I used to ask my musician buddies to teach music history class till I saw how rare it is that they actually know how to teach. I mean...some can...some. but I no longer assume someone can do something just because I LIKE them and think theyre cool.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


"They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program."
- George W. Bush

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
- George W. Bush

"Uhh Gosh, I.. don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those, uhh, exaggerations."
- George W. Bush, 10/13/2004
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- George W. Bush, 3/13/2002
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- George W. Bush, 9/13/2001

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people.. and neither do we."
- George W. Bush

"There's a lot of people in the world who don't believe that people whose skin color may not be the same as ours can be free and self govern. I reject that. I reject that strongly. I believe that people who practice the Muslim faith can self-govern. I believe that people whose skins aren't necessarily.. are a different color than white can self-govern."
- George W. Bush


Originally uploaded by kcorbet.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

army grunts

anyone else bugged by the recruiting ads these days?

I see these things and wonder who's falling for this crap. I can only hope the 2000 dead and countless maimed will eventually decrease the overly-testosteroned gene pool.

to all potentially great artists, leaders and scientists watching these ads who may not live cause theyre being tossed on the bonfire of dubyah's pointless posse, I say "go back, little spermies! go back! it's a blow job!"

con du lisa

I wonder if condi would even disagree with bennett's statement. if she is so brainwashed that she will willingly do and say the most outrageous things in support of bush's insanity, she either is A. so disconnected with reality as to have no sense of personal integrity or B. believes loyalty is the only priority and, therefore, has no sense of personal integrity whatsoever.

the parallels with corporate america are too obvious. the first thing you have to get upclose and comfy with is all lies great and small. the first thing out of your mouth when you arrive is "so nice to meet you" to someone you may well not trust from the get go. and everyday thereafter there is someone or some thing you can never be honest and open about.

this white house, the big house and westinghouse all share a common pressure...know when to lie and know when to keep your mouth shut. there is no truth beyond. if you cant live every moment on those terms, youre not long for the good ship lollypop.

how can that not be desensitizing? how can you so completely give up how you feel about what happens "at work"? I couldnt do it and will never put myself in that position again.

I doubt condi gave old boy bennett a second thought. I'm guessing he could have said, "if you wanna stop crime lynch all the jigaboo chucker boys and order in lunch" and condi's smile would have remained unchanged.

she wouldnt have been able to advance to her current place of notority otherwise. but I dont care. of all the vermin in the bush house of horrors, she never fails to boil my blood. some say she may be the first woman president. the way I feel about bush is like eating ice cream to the way I'd feel about her in the oral office.

Friday, September 30, 2005

The Bennett Diagnosis

Infuriating...frustrating....depressing, yes.

But not surprising.

Ben-it's diatribe this week revealed the basic fundamental flaw with the republican party; the flaw that motivates us to seek change.
The flaw? A total disregard, if not outright contempt, for the "have-nots" of society.
Not for one second do I believe that he is the only one of his elephant-ilk who thinks that way.
The proof we see daily in the policies and appointments of this administration; an administration that clearly favors loyalty over truth.

Hey Bennett...have you asked Condomtweezer what she thought of your statement?


DeLay punishment & Bennett bullshit

these news items are sadly related in a sadly sad way.

it's called america. the same system that perpetuates poverty, creating desperate landscapes in which cops desperately nab those who (allegedly) have succumbed to the need to overcome unliveable circumstances, gives others a free pass...if they can afford it.

whether drug users or petty criminals and even real bad has to ask how societal and environmental change might affect choices and lifestyles. if the desperation was relieved by the same money now used to kill people here and abroad, would the crime and incarceration rate drop dramatically?

as part of the same system, if Justice were truly blind, would money and political influence be such a thick shield for the real bad guys...the politicians and high public figures who, at the very most, face a few months in country club lock up after committing crimes that victimize the entire nation?

which is worse, getting caught with pot or stealing a dvd player or making millions of lives worse for your selfish and self-serving actions? the most we can hope here is that at least a few assholes will be taken off line and others will be put on notice not to be too selfish.

but Land of the Free, Home of the Brave??? Greatest Nation on Earth???

Justice is obviously Not the blind one here. Justice isnt blind at all. She knows who her friends are and who she doesnt give a shit about.

all of which makes me wonder...what IS the relationship between Justice and Fairness?

america doesnt seem to have a clue.


It is rare that I am actually shocked by anything a politician says these days, but for an ex-education secretary (of all people) to say this is absolutely reprehensible. Bad dog.  No Biscuits.

William Bennett was born 50 years too late. He would have fit right in with the Nazi party.

Read the story on his comments on crime. >>>

different page, same book

According to this NYTimes editorial, the house Republicans intend to continue business as usual with the absence of DeLay..


Thursday, September 29, 2005

what are the chances

What are the odds that T9m DeLay will end up actually being convicted and being sent to a real prison? (instead of some country club affair where he spends his afternoons working on his tennis and golf games)

I want to see this asshole pounding out license plates. He needs to be asking his wife for soap on a rope in his care packages. I figure a nice stretch in a cell with Bubba would do him some good.

Somehow I doubt he will pay the price. People like him always seem to squirm off the hook.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

this just in

Rumsfeld is giving President Bush his morning
briefing and tells the President that, in overnight
military maneuvers, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.

The President says, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God."

Rumsfeld is taken aback by the President's response
as he puts his head in his hands, noticeably shaken.

After a moment of prayer, Bush finally looks up.

"Rummy? exactly how many Is a brazillion?"


Hang down your head, Tom (strum) DeLay
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Tom DeLay
Oh boy your pants're on fire.

This time to(strum)morrow
Wonder where you'll be
Up in New York City
Hangin from Miss Liberty.

Hang down your head, Tom (sincere canned applause) DeLay
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Tom DeLay
Oh boy your butt's on trial.

Say Goodnight, Tom.


And here's hoping the train to shuttle his crooked ass off to Conspiracy Island won't be DeLayed one millisecond.
Justice, served.

about fucking time

DeLay finally faces the music. I have grown so tired of his arrogant tone and his hypocritical behavior. I want to see his ass gone.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

crouch potatoes

oh, yeah, I love the crouchs. they seem a little less transparent than the daystar doofs. not by much of course and theyre probably all yams of a feather.

it is sooo disgusting. I had a run in with kenneth copeland back in the 70s. actually went to one of his seminars in 74 and his message was much the god for whatever you need. he was like "write a note that says you believe in god for your new car or a pair of socks. put it up on the fridge and slap it whenever you walk by saying 'thank ya jesus for my new socks'".

he said it worked for him. he figured it'd be a lot easier to serve god if he had an airplane. so he wrote the note and thanked jesus for it every day. sure enough, a few weeks later, a rich ass christian called him up and said, "the lord wants me to give you my airplane." what a miracle in the lord jesus. hallabalueia.

I guess I didnt have enough faith cause I never got my car. maybe if I'd had a tv show and told everyone I needed a new pair of socks, somebody mighta given me theirs.

Check it out

Keep em comin

More sailors aboard the ship of hope....keep those new members comin'.

Sure...I'd like to find an cool conservapub to join the rowdy krewe. That could definitely increase the banter onboard.
I'll start beatin the Bushes to find one.

I used to spend hours watching Daystar. That Marcus Lamb character and his larger than life wife Joni used to trot their 4 kids out to sing and dance, and the family called themselves, collectively, the Lambs of God.
Another of my alltime favorites is Paul and Jan Crouch of TBN fame. Channel 58 I believe. About a year ago, Paul got caught licking the staff of a staff; uncompromisingly kneeling at the alter of manus erectus, taking cumunion in all its creamy goodness. He's still around, but not nearly as active.

Hell hath no lust like a horndog minister.

the good news

I dont know what it'll mean for the next election, let alone 2008, but I played a house warming in denton last night with a guitar player who was definitely a bush supporter during the first term. last night he was singing goofy songs about the loser president. you know, the idiot bozo who must die?

that reminds me of an onion story for their 20th century book Our Dumb Century. they include front pages from every year and, during the russian missile crisis, a personal friend of president kennedy had a few choice words. the headline's something like "Sinatra Tells Kruchev to 'Knock It Off'". underneath it continues, "warns Soviet Union to 'cut the commie bunk or it's ring-a-ding-ding for you bozos'".

I laughed for 5 and a half minutes. I woulda laughed longer but I'm really pretty busy.

the disaster president

Originally uploaded by kcorbet.

membership drive

we have a new brutha...a jazz trombonist bud o mine.

he's accepted the invite. we'll see what he has to say...he's definitely one of us.

speaking of which, what do you guys think about adding a voice or two to the contrary. I'm not seriously thinking about it yet, but if I can find a cool conservative voice...??? does anyone know such a person you'd recommend?

dont worry be happy

Originally uploaded by kcorbet.



they deserve what they get.

throw all their bucks away on nothing but empty tv dreams.

good old FCC. nobody's gonna go after these guys. you cant sue cause they promise nothing. it's all about the promise of God and the blood of Jesus.

you "sow your seed" and dont get your "harvest". wanna sue?

hey, no problem...sue God. sue Jesus.

lots of luck with all that, my brother. where's all the fire and brimstone that ran tilton outta town when this shit was going down back in the day?

blaspheming pirates

I am so enraged at what I'm seeing on channel 2...daystar.

I was going to bed, changing the batteries in my sony mini tv by the bedside. I've been studying these guys over the weekend, appalled at the begging. these people who are so shamelessly tiltonian in their single mission of making money. period. nothing but money. ONLY. everyone on here begs.

it's sunday morning. SUNDAY. and this guy comes on and the first thing out of his mouth is "I wanna talk about money." and for 30 minutes, all he says is send your money to him. that's it. he's standing in front of a hundred choir members with a band and 10 soloists...with a congregation at Prestonwood in Plano.

he starts with the old story about the woman giving her 2 mites and rambles on for 30 minutes about how everyone needs to give all they have to the church. after all, if you trust God, you need to give him everything you have so he can bless you.

NEXT...let's talk about communion. okay. let's feast on the blood and body of christ. okay. he wants me to change my life by taking communion. oh, but wait. after the meal, I gotta pay the check. I need to pay for the blood and body of christ by making that call to daystar. and it aint cheap.

hey, they wanna send me shit! communion life collection: $35. partners in christ. partners in fraud. partners in poverty. my poverty. and hey...when I was growing up, when the minister said it was communion time, we got crackers and grape juice. this guy is Talking about the power of communion without actually offering Anything. what the hell is up with That?

and guess who made all this possible. KERA. this is channel 2. sold to these "christian" charlatans who bilk hundreds out of their savings. channel two's gone from begging for money for programming we got for free anyway to begging for money to make a few turds at the top of the daystar heap on the backs of those who cant afford it and those who should be wiser but are too weak to see.

what's that about the more things change the more they stay the same?

Saturday, September 24, 2005


There's just a shitload of people getting rich, powerful, or rich and powerful because of the lemminglike nature of too many voters and consumers.
The people who spin this shit are banking too.
Daily, we are told how to vote, what to buy, who to praise and when to piss by folks whose ultimate goal is control of the masses.
If King George was truly a servant of the people, there would be some town hall meetings in a town hall, not just before the ladies' proper douchebag auxiliary of the RNC or in front of recruit class # 3564 of U.S. Army Basic.
What happened to government by the people and for the people?
It went out with georgie and his big dick crusaderism....the search for all that is powerful.
Have you ever seen how that ass stands when he's in jeans? Arms cocked out to the side like he's airin' his pits, swaggerin' like he's the one an only sheriff in town.
The west has turned into the Old West.

praise god! ppphfhhbfffbbttt...

an old roommate and i used to make bets Tilton - we would guess how many seconds it would take after we hit his channel before he begged for money, calling it a 'seed' or a 'prayer request' never would just fucking come out and say, 'send me your money, I need it to keep up my lifestyle and pay for this damned transmission'. He never took more than 8 seconds.

The president was flying around Texas yesterday, apparently right over my little dude's soccer game; two stretch helicopters followed by three dual-rotor military copters.

I'm asking every grown man I know or meet what they would do if martial law were declared, would they hand their weapons over?

Every single one said hell no.

Take that FBI, Homeland Security or whoever-the-fuck-else might be reading this.


click on "daystar" to go to

sometimes when there's absolutely Nothing on tv I check out what my brothers and sisters on Daystar (chan.2) are up to. theyre always up to the same old shit. every minister, every singer, every witness says exactly the same thing over and over...send us your money. send us your money and god's gonna be good to you.

it's even worse than tilton. it's so much slicker. I really dont get it. this guy is saying nothing more than God is waiting for you to go to the phone. Whatever number God gives you, he wants your obedience. Just do it. Your miracle is waiting to be picked up but you have to pick up the phone first.

Every now and then, without referring to it at All, they show a little map with a black rectangle around Europe and part of North Africa and Western Asia. theyre showing extremely generic pictures of poor people sitting in a 3rd world dirt road, old wrinkled faces in exotic clothes, a smiling old man leaning against a pile of bags of grain.

And the message loops over and over: God loves you. If you love God, give US your money. the only talking point is "Sow Your Seed" and "Receive Your Harvest".

the canned applause every time they read someone's pledge is so obvious. like your typical bush speech in front of military and other hand picked audiences, people with quick hands who cant wait to pledge allegiance to george.

it also occurs to me Bush works exactly the same way these televangelist charlatans do. "Believe in me, my people. Give me your faith and trust. Dont think about it. Dont believe your eyes and ears. Just believe in me and I'll take care of everything." the simplicity of the message reaches the simple minded. the same people who are making these ass holes on tv rich as sin.

rich as fucking sin.

gotta have dick

cut taxes and throw money at everything that says "just add testosterone".

sorry, but that doesnt include the mundane like education and all them domestic non-essentials. if it doesnt have a dick on it, like tanks and warplanes and missiles and diveplanes, it doesnt give georgie that feeling of hardness he craves but cant maintain after 8 whiskeys and a coke.

I'm guessing after laura retires W creeps into the oval office and googles big cock till he finds what he wants. probly during his lunch break as well...and when the real dick is going on and on about his own profit margin, georgie is leisurely reviewing his old johnny wad bookmarks.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Pass a Marga, Rita

Is it just me, or does everything associated with George W. Bush turn to shit at record pace?

As I flip through the channels, looking for anything other than repub disaster-spin machine, it strikes me 'tween the eyes that this crowd of administratidiots couldn't cut their way out of a paper back with a chain saw.

Deer in the headlights my ass. We need to replace that phrase with bureaucrats faced with disaster as the true meaning of the word "stunned".

Yeah, tanker trucks running the length of 45 pumpin petrol is a great image, but all I'm seeing is stations outta gas and crapped out cars.

Oh yeah, and a fried bus.

Come on folks, lets all come to realize that, for the last 5 years, the focus as been on international issues at the expense of what might really fuck up in our own backyard...and be fucked up for a long time.

Let Rita, Katrina, and all their dykes serve as a wakeup call....lets deal with whats going on here...fuel, education, medical care, affordable housing, first. Then, we can spread Jeezus, white bread, clogged arteries, and Range Rovers to the world.

Priorities, ya know.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

one mo dink

anybody catch this walmart commercial where kelvin whatshisname talks about how easy it is to advance in the company. here's a black sacker who made it all the way to regional only 24 years.

wow, no glass ceiling there.

well, except that it likely didnt take 24 years for most of his white counterparts to make such progress.

ya think? I really really really dont buy any of the walmart pr whitewash and I'm very disgusted that PBS is awash in their ads. I know money's money, but your sponsors say a lot about your personality and as far as I'm concerned walmart deals in dirty money every day.

now they're planning to take over china. that right there may allow us to avoid WWIII.



what was it you said? blaming liberals for our problems? I heard mass gov mitt romney on Air America this evening say he thought the worst threat to U.S. security is (drum roll, chuckie) "political correctness". seems our pesky freedoms and rights are undue barriers to our safety. according to the governor, unless we let cops and "officials" target enemies of the state indescriminately...unless we allow spies of whimsy...unless we give up the bill of rights...we cant be safe from those who hate us.

which, it sounded like, people like us. he suggested we use utmost scrutiny of those who question our national values. you know, here in the land of the free and all.


so there's this 20 hour mass exodus going on from galveston to dallas in advance of senorita rita. and, of course, the political machine is falling all over itself to prove its pre-hero status with its constant bravuro of how ready we are regardless.

the biggest lie today was rick "good hair" perry who I heard say all day long he had tanker trucks sent out to take care of those in need of gas. only one problem, I've listened to several news reports in the last 8 hours and, after many many interviews with the folks on the road, no one has actually seen ONE of our savior tankers. reporters say theyve seen plenty of cars who've run out of gas.

nice try, rick. next time someone says it would be a good idea to help out, maybe you should make sure someone who can actually do something does. cause I dont know about you, but most of us have had enough lies to last us a long long time.

the good news, I guess, is at least he knew there'd be a NEED. that's more than the feds did in the wake of that other stormy chick.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

insanity leaves us all dumbfounded

is that irony? these people who talk out of their butts about leaving no turd behind while shitting all over the funding to make such nobilities real?

I am forever amazed at these so-called conservatives who are actually sheeted reactionaries in suits. they have the same genes as the assholes who created slavery, who stopped reconstruction, who tried to keep blacks out of central high, who have opposed Everything that has Anything to do with compassion, sensitivity, fairness and a single drop of humanity.

I can only assume some people lack souls. some people arent people at all. they arent even animals. theyre roaches, masters of vulturism and indescriminate shitting, who live to create more roaches and disgust everyone they come in contact with...well, except other roaches, I guess.

I can only hope the blue collars who, for some idiotic reason, keep voting for these guys can finally begin to separate patriotic and economic propaganda from the true ethics of these fart talkers. maybe they'll finally see all this "we'll let you keep the money you make" is nothing more than "let us keep your money and you can live in the cesspool created when there IS no education, no roads, no emergency relief, no social security, no government services, nothing but what you pay for on the local level.

good luck with all that, bubba.

Monday, September 19, 2005

pissin' and moanin'

it's very disturbing to hear the radical right speak of the 'failed liberal policies' of welfare, social security et. al., they are trying to convince everyone that 'handing out money' to poor people makes them dependent on the government.

i say they should instead look at the MASSIVE CORPORATE WELFARE that's going on in this country and see which one is 'hurting' america more.

i've known three people personally who have filed for bankruptcy protection: all of them REPUBLICANS. They don't call this 'welfare' however.

rampant RACISM is the reason that minority communities stay down! does anyone really think that african-americans PREFER to hang out in the hood with no real hope for their future? add to this the virtual admissions by the CIA that they helped flood Los Angeles with crack cocaine, the 'pushing' of rap music onto their community by WHITE RECORD EXECS with extensive mafia/cia connections (word is that they like the 'negativity' layered onto the community disguised as 'keepin' it real') and you see a picture that is not only racist on the OUTSIDE but on the INSIDE as well.

They bray about 'education' all the while slashing federal funds for such then blame the 'community' for not 'getting involved' - hey, it's a lot fucking easier to 'get involved' with your kids school when you're not spending every waking moment wondering how you're going to feed and clothe those kids.

i'm all for welfare reform, ways to stop bona fide abuses of the system, but to starve it down to nothing and expect those folks to turn to 'faith-based' organizations for relief is nothing short of fascist.

we need to put our money where our mouths are; fully funded education and health-care INSTEAD of WORLD DOMINATION AND UNMITIGATED GREED BY THE SELECT FEW.

It costs one HELL of a lot more money to keep a human being in jail, driven to commit crimes viewed as the ONLY way they will EVER get 'theirs', than to educate and actually help them.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

pissin in the wind?

Friday, September 16, 2005

power drunk

teevee are us. I Am practicing but I guess I'm watching more tv than anything, hanging out in hermitville. a few moments ago there was a panel discussion and a black woman from the republican national committee was responding to a piece about single parent families the panel had just watched.

afterwards, she dismissed the piece by saying, "of course our goal is to make sure all families have a mommy and daddy." how bout making it easier for people to live their lives without racial, economic and lifestyle prejudice? could we maybe start from at base of acceptance and do what we can to support people regardless of their circumstances?

maybe then we could finally shrug off the lunacy of laws aimed at making us all carbon copies of a stupid one way or no way ideal. which I guess includes raising kids who are all budding alcoholics, eh george? eh jeb???

the truth will out

watching NOW on 13, interviewing about 40 people who lost everything in katrina. it sounds like, even now, theyre treating people like WWII soldiers treated liberated towns, which amounts to going around handing out candy bars to kids.

these folks want some place to sleep, a nest, and it looks like it's going to be months and months before our so-called FEMA can even answer the friggin phone.

and there was bush on the news today saying we can do this without raising taxes. how? right from the turd's mouth, " cutting other programs." you mean, mr. president, like FEMA and disaster planning? how bout health care and corps of engineering levy projects? how bout combating poverty and actual citizen benefits?

excuse me, but arent we in the place we are because we didnt have the money to prepare for this in the first place?

and what's all this about halliburton (aGain!) and outside contractors getting all the re-building money and new orleans companies being locked out. to date, No black contracting companies have even been allowed to bid on recovery projects. what is Up with That, georgie???

where's osama?

I'm watching what seems to be a bbc documentary on 911 full of first person accounts from WTC workers and the most complete collection of devastation footage I've seen. as someone was telling their story of seeing people jumping from the first tower before their tower was hit, right across the gap between the buildings, I involuntarily thought, "goddamn bush, letting osama go. goddamn him...what if bin laden's planning more terror right now? just in time for xmas."

I mean shit, many people is this guy going to kill??? and I'm Not talking about osama.

how many americans and iraqis will be dead at the hands of the big W? we'll never know. how can you cope with that, knowing there are thousands and thousands dead all because of your insanity? you cant get that much blood off your hands. you cant. is this jerk not our nero? is he not our godzilla, shuffling through washington, shuffling through baghdad, shuffling through new orleans, shuffling through the national parks, the rivers and skies, shuffling through all our lives?

I cannot wait for the documentaries covering the incredible scandals the 49ers are too blind to admit theyre backing by supporting this incarnation of an american evil who's not fooling anyone with his bottomless pockets, promising the moon only to get people to say he's not as lame as he really is.

it's not enough to deal mega death with incompetence, he has to cover it up by sending us into a spiral of devasting deficits like a child who has no idea the cookie jar has its limits.

and guess whose budget will continue to call for tax cuts for a few thousand of his closest buds. you know, the guys who have all the money? all our money???

I have never been so disgusted. I didnt know I could Get this disgusted.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I've seen that somewhere and can only hope that's the first thing you see when you walk in the door of the bush library...which I Think is going to go up where the mrs. baird's bread place used to be close to smu.

only when we used to drive by that intersection no one had to Ask what that smell was.

ya never know...

with these supreme court guys...
sometimes what you see is what you get

sorry i've been absent, heh, building a bomb shelter is time consuming.

high drama aside
much work to do in this world
bitch-slap bomb fuck-up

non-sequitur haiku

for you

damn funny clip at this address:

independent thinking

good thing bush doesnt fire those who fail the administration or we'd all be saluting president cheney this week...which would be excrutiatingly disgusting.

I still cant figure out how I feel about roberts. he sounds and looks good and I dont agree with some of the p.c. battering he's been getting from biden, schumer (?), despite the abuse, he's logical and relatively calm under fire.

not that we have any real idea of what havoc he'll rain on our rights in the future. but at least he's not the unaware ignorarombus I expected from bush to nominate.

other thoughts, anti-bushites???

Monday, September 12, 2005

bye bye brown

good for him. "I'm obviously in way over my head so how bout I just split."

however, so, bush pulls him outta there and FEMA just takes off without any sort of wrap up or official hand off of responsibiltiy. no handshakes in an effort to coordinate all the various components, local and imported, the gracious volunteers from all over the country and internationally. now theyre all sitting around looking at each other with a big "what's next?"

first, youre too little, too late. then you simply abandon what finds its way to the field. no thinking, no true understanding. "hey, if you guys are going to complain about how we've tried to help (and harm), we'll go and you can get fucked." nice work.

nice nice work, guys. at least bush has finally given FEMA to a true disaster fighter with 30 years experience. jesus...regardless, the inevitable legacy of this guy will be "Too late, pal."

I genuinely think these clowns are incapable of awareness, discernment or any sort of learning. all they can do is react way too much or way too inappropriately.

so it goes.

Friday, September 09, 2005

the good news...

...about having an administration who's careless and inattentive, whose policy is incompetence, who doesnt give a fuck about you dont have to worry too much about your lily white ass being picked up and shuffled off to detaineeland. if you dont have a brown skinned name, you can be doing a lot of shit they could nail you for but wont cause their talk about protecting us from bad guys like you falls still born from forked tongues.

unless of course youre a totally legit citizen who goes to work every day, pays taxes and is thrilled to be living in anytown, usa and your name happens to be Ali or Al Foud or Mohammed. then you better watch your back and keep track of your family 24/7, bruthuh, cause the dogs of not giving a fuck come without warning.

oh...and those jets over austin? that's just bush out for a $30,000 stroll. at this very moment, some air cadet is pulling graveyard, cleaning puke out of the presidential helmet.



nothing like a little light reading to make things allll better.

i feel good, don't you?

what the f...

three times now in the last two days i've seen a solo military jet flying over austin.

what the fuck? some sort of 'conditioning' going on here? get 'em used to the
sight and sound?

i'm sending a letter to my senator and congressmen with a very pointed question:

"would you ever support a decision by the president to declare martial law in this country?"

no hem-hawing


guaran-fucking-tee you i will NOT get a 'yes or no' answer.

call me paranoid, call me concerned

almost every texan i personally know owns a gun or two

and don't care very much for 'tresspassers'.

bring it on mother fuckers.

meeting the challenge

Originally uploaded by kcorbet.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

i'm frizzin' a little

because i can't sleep
every little peep
i hear in my house
every twig hitting the roof
every cat that prowls around
i wonder if 'they've' been monitoring
my choice of ip addresses lately
or if it's the 'pack of dudes' from new orleans that
one of my wife's employees' doper boyfriend
(who works at planet k)
says came in to buy a handful of
crack pipes - no joke, they didn't say
and i didn't ask what race they were
but i fucking hate it that
the thought even crossed my mind
i want to get a dog now
(our daughter has wanted one forever)
a vicious one that likes their meals large
who doesn't care what color the meat
is if you plan on coming into their space
i want to get a gun to protect
my family from fema who has built
some mighty cozy 'internment camps'
around the good 'ol USA designed
to accommodate any number of citizens
who are deemed 'disobedient' built with
money that could've built up those levees
(that the corp could then blow up to flood
jefferson parish to save the french quarter
so that someday george's ilk could once
again swill their way through a hurricane
or two from pat o'briens)
i promise they won't take me or mine away
bitch mother fuckers, no fucking way
executive orders one after the other
give them the power under martial law
to shake your shit and ship you away
i realize my fear of addicts
ransacking my house
pales in comparison
to living with

shoo fly

shhh boom
shoe bomber
fool charmer
hog rancher
dog farmer
no armor

and the rap...

duped ya
dubbed ya
double dipped
dip sticks and
zipper neck
quick tricks

america's a done
deal done real
good i.e. bad
by seedy greed
and a profound
lack of heeding
the needs of the
bleeding, weeding
out the poor and
leading most of
the rest of us
to be like
them asap.

a sap ass
slapped ass
and duh name
of the blamed
tush is bush
with such fun dramatics, I put a title line in should you wanna.

of course, you dont have to do anything with your title...
I mean, look at our president...he's not doing much with his.

he's more of a president evil 2, a sequel to a bad movie from 15 years ago.

in otter words, I'll play your little game later.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A passle of like minded bruthren are what were gonna need to keep the oxygen flowin the next 3 years. A couple more natural or manmade disasters and anyone or anything connected to the adminifuckation desn't stand a snowball's chance gettin into the Whiteman's House.
Of course, I've underestimated the mentality of the populace before.
One thing's fo sho...bushy and krewe aint gon' be ridin in no Mardi Gras parade in the near future.
And now...I think I'll take a try at the otterly cool word scramble...

donald rumsfeld

damn fol

mad dum

yeah...I think I'm gettin it.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


twisting words is fun

karl rove
karl over
kar lover


it's easy, come on!


the whole family can play

donc zaloee

fort chef
thro fecr


terbo rs
bert sor

listening to the spin tonight made my fingers itchy
aaron brown said 'by the time these images are COMPLETELY forgotten..."
NEVER completely aaron, no matter what the boss says

after reading the list of FEMAFUCKUPS on it seems clear that murder charges should be filed.

for the first time in my life i'm contemplating buying a gun
or a nug
whichever comes along first
I was in the 5th grade when JFK was blown away,
the country went numb like a sunny day goes gray.
girls in class put their heads in their hands and
the world went still like someone shot the band.

two months later the beatles came through and
suddenly everyone had something else to do.
that was the very first time media spoke as one
and from then on money said who be our favorite son.

the spirit had left the people, replaced by greed
and marketing dictated our wants and personal needs.
even during the years of peace and love to follow,
the american people seemed all too meek and shallow.

they no longer spoke with one american voice,
they no longer gave each other freedom of choice.
the country divided into us and them and if you
were no longer "with us" we could never be friends.

Roosevelt and WWII brought us together and
the 50s brought with it promise and treasure
and it looked like we were becoming ourselves
till a shot or three from a book depository
or grassy knoll put us back on the shelf.

some say we didnt change the day JFK died...
rather truth had emerged to open our eyes.

or, at least, it tried.

now, it's just there, the real america
on the table, a rotting corpse without
a label which it doesnt need cause it's
not fooling anyone except the evil that's
always been her hand maiden...the money
hogs and corporate con men and all who
have no time for history or fables of
what america was and what it can be.

and I, for one, am sickened by it.
indeed, welcome. I ran into a passle of anti-bushites from an old planet of mine yout and, longing for fresh meat like an n.o. refugee, I invited them aboard. so far, we have this pale young man from the otterman empire. he's a feisty brute. if all is as it should be, we shall take him in leisurely, eating him raw. very very slowly. one word at a time.

then we'll see about the others. no hurry. we still have over three years on this ship of pain.

I just realized. I'll be paying off my car the august before the election. another reason to celebrate freedom in 2008. that is, if we make it.
Welcome, otter, to this here murky swamp we call the bush years.
Cool to see new blood flowin through the cyberways.

Monday, September 05, 2005

hello, new to this blog.

the reconstructive surgery of bush's foot has begun. with multiple shotgun blasts he has tried to blow it smooth off. but karl can rebuild it.

i don't think anything will completely derail bush's term II train, short of being caught with his dick up a little boy's ass and even then karl could spin it off: "the young man in question had a fever and the president's penis makes a fine thermometer. he was trying to save his life!"

so we wait.

i went a'googlin' trying to gain some insight into the repug. state of mind and mine was boogled by what i found...

these comments about 'bush haters' from a review of a book called "misunderstood", a pro-bush piece of propaganda that details how georgie is, well, misunderstood.

Sammon also delivers a fascinating examination of Bush haters, chronicling how their misunderstanding of the president has morphed into sheer visceral loathing, irrevocably influencing the whole scope of the presidency. He opens his book by plunging his readers into the middle of a violent anti-Bush rally in Portland, Oregon. After failing to hold the presidential motorcade hostage, rock-throwing protestors go on to attack elderly Republican donors, gay baseball players, and even state leaders. The ironic savagery of the radical anti-war activists, who fuel a true atmosphere of terror, is downright scary; even the president seems surprised.

gay baseball players?

At home, Bush's Eurocentric detractors hate the man right down to the way he walks and talks, confesses New Republic senior editor Jonathan Chait. Chait also confides this amusing absurdity: "To be a liberal today is to feel as though you've been transported into some alternative universe in which a transparently mediocre man is revered as a moral and strategic giant." Such is the plight of an ideology gone awry, apparently.

nope, we just call 'em as we see 'em.

Karl Rove tells Sammon that Bush hatred is the "natural evolution of the politics of personal destruction, carried to its ultimate end. And what it becomes, ultimately, is self-destructive." Sammon agrees, convincingly arguing that the president is nobody's fool, or, as Mark Steyn cleverly wrote, "If he's a moron, he's the luckiest moron who ever lived."

well put karl. really read that first quote: a Freudian slip, skirt, blouse AND shoes.

i'm actually glad that our liberal leaders aren't bashing the turtle on the fencepost relentlessly - that will only fuel the fire of those on the 'winning team'. the truth will out. of course, we'll remind them as needed.

i was born the day JFK was killed. i've always been deeply fascinated by the event and how it ushered in an age of APATHY for our country; what most people don't realize is that the SAME FUCKERS who killed Kennedy and then covered it up are STILL IN POWER TODAY, the line is incredibly easy to trace, but todays repugs find it much more palatable to align themselves with 'compassionate conservatism' than 'MURDER INC.'.

i watched oliver stone's "JFK" for the umpteenth time last night for two reasons; to remind myself exactly how this country really works and, to take a cinematic stroll around new orleans one last time. (they haven't got the nerve or the inclination to actually murder stone but you'll notice he's been busted for pot more than a few times in the last six or seven years...)

it's enough to make me really believe in the bible: i, for one, would be glad to have jesus' back while he deep-fries the souls of the 'religious' leaders who have twisted his 'true message' into a pretzel.

"citizens of New Orleans! we'll feed you! have a PRETZEL!"

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I agree with the slam against the media, who showed black people "looting" and white people "surviving" cause, of course youre right...when you have to eat and provide for others you do what you have to do.

I havent heard anyone else make the obvious point that all those commodities sitting in unrefridgerated doors broken out places arent going to survive the ordeal either. all that stuff would be written off on insurance forms in the weeks ahead and counted as total waste.

is it looting to try to find the first aid kit in a crashed airliner?

then there's o'reilly, who Never fails to piss me off saying last week that if we just killed all those "bad guys" on the streets in New Orleans, we'd be able to get everything squared away no problem.

if pat robertson's going to start calling for assasinations, maybe we could sneak a few more onto the list.

hell, I dont want people dead. I just want them to go far far away. I can complain mucho about dickie dick dick not doing his job in montana, but do we really want any of these goons "doing their jobs"? havent we had enough of the job these guys do? isnt it likely even More folks would die if they had a hand in the rescue efforts?

what would be happening if bill o'reilly was governor of La and michael savage was mayor of N.O.? now, That would make an interesting video game. Virtual Cheeseball.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Dick Chain Me and Condomteaser being AWOL during a national crisis highlights what I've said all along...that this bunch has no connection with, interest in, or concern for the average American.


They don't even make an attempt at showing concern.
Bush went 'cause everyone else had prepaid reservations to some hot spot.

I had an interesting exchange the other day with one of the secretaries in my department. Setting the stage, she is a die hard bushy...born and bred in Mesquite TX, where men are 6'4'', play sports, half-ass a year or two of college at best, marry former cheerleaders, and breed another round of men who play sports, etc....Thats just the way life is...the ONLY way life is. Everything is face value.

Anyway, I should point out that, professionally, I have met few people who are as good at their job as her and who can run interference for the day to day shit that goes down there...but,

My story continues...

As the looting, or as I like to say, survival tactics, began, my coworker said that any looting was unacceptable...looting is looting, no matter the reason. My response was...
No, dinner is dinner, and if our inept leaders can't set the table and if I or my kids are on the verge of starvation I'm gonna help myself to a helping of whatever if its within boardinghouse reach.

My views were not shared, due in large part to where I placed the blame for this multi-thousand death debacle.

I believe I also said something along the lines of, "If Louisiana were a foreign country, it now woulda been under US control and George woulda been eatin crawfish on a paddleboat goin up the Mississippi with a banner a-hind him sayin, 'Ay Mishin Complished...A'yeee!'"

Rest of the day was kinda quiet.
Rehnquist dies...
Bush gives rise...
To another purveyor...
Of execu-judicial ties.
.....and lies.
I want to hear the rest of your questions, so I'll lend a few.....

What hit me this morning, like a piece of shattered concrete dam, was that, once again, the true heroes of a national crisis are we the people.
Guv'ment aint nowhere to be found, and when they are, they are all about plans and not about the here and now.

What kinda shit is this?

It highlights to me that the Washington crowd is so out of touch with the rest of us; that they are so insulated from reality; that they are so ignorant of day to day life in the country that they mismanage that they are nothing but a collective group of bumbling figureheads who can only view the USA as it relates to the world stage.

So, let's tally up the number of corpses that result from this mess and charge the Bush administration with their deaths because, if our focus was on whats hap'nin here at home, as it should be, most of all of this could have been prevented.

Friday, September 02, 2005

okay, I can be seriously angry, too. some say bush is catching crap lately for lots of things, that he has become the "velcro" president.

man, in my not so delicate opinion, if he caught what he troodily oodily deserved his head would be at the bottom of the potomac having fallen from the top of his skeleton after his body was hung from a pier a coupla years back.

how the freakin hell can cheney stay on vacation in montana??? isnt the vice presidency the man, in such crises, the president turns to and immediately says, "Hey, DICK, put on your highest montana shit boots and get down there NOW!" (?)

I heard little miss condomonium rice had to call security cause someone was hassling her in a shoe store cause her government was sitting on its ass while mississippi muddy americans were screaming from every tv set on the planet to DO SOMETHING. not only that, but when the hurricane was chewing up and spitting out vast areas of our precious coast line, she decided to go to the theatre monday night. is that what you do when youre a high ranking government official, like in the upper half dozen souls in the nation...arent you supposed to be on the phone finding out what's going on and what's being done???

clearly these folks do Nothing domestically till they figure out they might lose face in the do nothing process.

and, mr. disaster do you continue a speech tour with "plans" to get around to doing whatever it is you decide to do later in the week when citizens are dying in the streets every night????? with all the pussyin around after 911, at least you were down there huggin heroes the next day. but you wait 5 days to show up after the worst national disaster in american history????????

uh-oh...I just ran outta question marks. have I made my point( ) cause I sure as hell havent run out of questions.
One thought keeps crossing my mind...if Katrina had come by a year earlier, would we still be bushwacked? There would be a different wildcard to be played during the election for sure.
This tragedy is exposing alot of whats wrong with this country...a lack of preparation and concern with the infrastructure and those of less means, with an overarching and overbearing focus on international crusaderism.
In many ways we are a reactionary society; not a proactive one...unless there's a country to conquer.
Sounds like you are mucho busy with mucho classes. Good that the dollars are rolling in though. That Thursday schedule sounds like a bitch.....that place definitely needs an instructor "on call" room.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

atta boy, nightline's chris bury.

at the very moment our revered homeland czar, whoever the hell he is, is spewing rhetoric like, "we have a vast array of forces taking care of business getting the "rest" of the refugees out", there are 10s of thousands of refugees sitting, waiting for days, yelling, crying, wondering where the officials are, wondering where the relief is.

one woman is sitting in the street asking simple questions, "they gave us one meal and a bottle of water but where are the porta potties? where is our ride outta this hell hole?"

ted just beat the hell out of the FEMA director. his positive message was "we're working on it." ted's saying, "the storm was 5 days ago. what the hell have you been doing?" excellent.