I would guess these guys are hip deep in shit, but mainstream media has no heart to shovel it into our living rooms. even with bush's numbers going down and constant controversy in iraq as eye witnesses continually give their reality tv tales of various bushian fuck ups.
no doubt there'll be plenty o reports after these guys have cleaned out their desks and shred whatever papers that, if sought and found, could have been used against them...emerging stories will be told matter of factly by those who saw it all happen and looked away at best...nightly reports accepted as mere fables of the corruption of power...all accepted as "who knew?" by the general population...all accepted as the greed and short-sightedness of a few individuals, not the profound lack of integrity and absolute negligence of public service we know these monsters to be from bottom to top, all the way up to the puppet masters at G.E., Exxon, I.B.M., Disney, Chase, the mighty right who's might makes right without regard for anyone or anything below their bottom line.
without question, their golf clubs are more important than their customers. not the pie charts and projections and surveys of the tastes and trends of their customers' money...not the money that buys the new set of clubs twice a year, but the people themselves, the replaceable customers from one generation to the next. people are grain to be ground in the mill of america, nothing but the chaff left in the wake of stripped funding, the true product of the mill.
not the product or productivity...just the money...the profit margin...the real american dream, already known to at least 49% of us as the great american nightmare.