obviously the enemy isnt paying attention to us or they'd find the following highly suspicious.
could times be looking up? seems like all my friends who were on the verge of ruin just a few years ago have recovered from the economic battering we were all suffering from.
so bush's economy is the reason. fat chance. deregulation still scares me to death. the neocons and conservative republicans still think theyre right and that's not going away anytime soon.
what I'm saying is I think we liberals have been fighting back, showing our strength by finding ways to survive despite the incredible assault we continue to suffer. but we can feel good about ourselves personally and our senators and reps are finally questioning what's going on...challenging the oil companies...standing up against the machine that would destroy the environment and all we value.
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the bush gaff of the day just appeared on the overnight news summary. in today's rare press conference, someone asked him how many iraqi citizens have died. he squeenched for a moment and said "around 30,000."
later, an administrative spokesman clarified by saying that's not an official figure but simply a figure the president heard on the news. so, youre saying the president is not "officially" briefed on such figures. what does that say about his handle on the situation and his compassion for the people we're killing?
reminds me of the older bush having No idea how much a loaf of bread was during his own grilling over how outta touch the bush crime family was.
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then there's the christian uprising to put christ back in merry christmas. I dont care about political correctness, I dont care about saying "happy holidays" out of respect for religious diversity. obviously, the whole idea is to NOT force your lifestyle and beliefs on others.
were we better off 40-50 years ago when we were surrounded by old fashioned rhetoric and environment, basically what christians want to get back to? which begs the question, were "we" better off when we ignored diversity in a largely dont ask dont tell culture seen entirely through western euro red and green glasses this time of year?
which leads us to how much of the religious resurgency is about eliminating the multi-culturalism brewing these last 20-30 years? it tastes a bit too much like an anti-civil rights supremacist backlash. I guess anything I might hear coming out of limbaugh's mouth is impossible for me to accept and I'm sure he's a big reason for the season fan.
what political correctness comes down to for me is I just dont care what people do and hope they feel the same way about me. is that too much to ask?